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Check back on Friday afternoon for this week's eruv status. Last week, the eruv was up

What is the story of the Fairfax Eruv Committee?
We began in the fall of 2019 as a grass roots effort with several open community meetings. The Fairfax Eruv Committee received its Virginia incorporation status in early 2020 and soon thereafter received a startup grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. The Eruv was declared kosher in October 2021 and continues to be run by volunteers.
What areas are included within the eruv?
Most neighborhoods within an approximate 2 mile radius of Chabad of Northern Virginia (Fairfax) and Congregation Olam Tikvah are included in the eruv. Click here to see a detailed map page.
How will I know if the eruv is up on a given week?
There are multiple ways to find out. First, it's right up top on our website pages, and you can find out more about the status on any given week by clicking on "eruv status" up top. Secondly, you can (and are encouraged to) sign up to receive an email or text (or both) each week that will announce if the eruv is up or not. Sign up here.
Who is the rabbinical authority (Rav Ha-Machshir) for the Eruv?
We are working with noted authority Rabbi Chaim Jachter. He provides guidance to more than 60 communities across the country.
How can I support the eruv?
We welcome tax deductible contributions to the Fairfax Eruv Committee Incorporated to support the annual upkeep and cost of weekly inspections. We are an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. We accept cash, checks, PayPal, credit cards, appreciated stocks, and IRA distributions. Please consider making a recurring monthly donation. Click here for more information and to make a donation. Thank you!
Is this the Fairfax, Los Angeles eruv?
No. This is the Fairfax, Virginia eruv. The LA eruv website is at https://laeruv.com/.